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    Error type of weighing sensor
    2017-05-10 17:10
    1, characteristic error. The definition of error is inherent in the equipment, it is between the transfer function characteristics of the ideal equipment, and recognized the true character of non linear difference, the error value, including slope drift of DC is not correct or inclined.
    2, dynamic characteristics and calibration error of many sensors are applicable under static conditions, which means the use of input parameters is similar to static or static, many sensors with strong damping, so they do not change the input parameters to fast response, for example, take a few seconds to the thermistor temperature step response change.
    3, insert error is when a sensor is inserted in the system, the error due to the changes of measurement parameters and produce, is generally in the electronic measurement when there will be such a problem, but in other ways the measurement will also appear similar problems, such as a voltmeter in the circuit to measure the voltage, it will there is an inherent impedance, much larger than the loop impedance, or circuit load, this time, there will be a lot of reading errors, errors of this type is to use a system (e.g., the pressure transmitter is too large system); or the dynamic characteristics of the system was too slow, or the system is self heating load too much heat. So, the thermistor does not immediately jump to the new impedance, or mutations, on the contrary, it is gradually changed to a new value, therefore, if has the weighing sensor delay characteristics of rapid change on temperature response, the output waveform will be distorted, because it contains the dynamic error. The factors that produce the dynamic error include response time, amplitude distortion and phase distortion.
    4, environmental error comes from the sensor using the environmental factors including temperature, weighing sensor, or swing, vibration, altitude, volatile chemicals or other factors, which often affect the sensor's characteristics, so in practical application, these factors are classified together.
    5, application error is the operator, which means many reasons, for example, when the error of temperature measurement, including probe placement error or probe and measuring the insulation between the place not correct, some other application error including air or other gas purification process in the application of error, error the transmitter also relates to wrong place, and positive or negative pressure for correct reading effect
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